Blonde lady cupping white flowers in her hands in a garden and smelling the flowers.

How To Choose A Perfume For Someone Else

Perfumes are a beautiful way to express sentiment and appreciation. A well-chosen perfume can speak volumes about the recipient, showing that you understand and appreciate their individuality. 
But, with an endless choice of perfumes - and that's just those from the big brands - how on Earth do we make the right choice of perfume gift for that someone special?

Here are 3 easy steps to help you choose that special fragrance gift;

1. Find Out What They Already Wear

If you're able to, snooping around in their perfume collection will give you great insight into the types of fragrances or even brands they like.
If you're unable to do this, asking general questions about what scents they like will be a good indicator - however try not to be too obvious about it as it may become overly apparent to them what you're planning on getting them for their birthday!
Ask them if they like the scent you're wearing, or even if they like certain flowers or scents wherever you are out on a walk.
Nevertheless, once you have even just two or three scents you know they enjoy, take note of the fragrance families they fall under.
The fragrance families consist of 4 categories - Floral, Fresh, Woody and Amber.
It's as easy as typing a scent into the search bar at the top of this page and hitting enter; you will find a whole range of fragrances and perfumes that contain their favourite scent.

2. Choose With Your Nose 

Just because your loved one has a Prada Candy Sugar Pop in their collection, it doesn't mean to say that they love every single perfume Prada has created.
Choosing a perfume that includes similar scents to that perfume, however, is a sure fire way to finding that perfect perfume gift for that person.

3. Match Their Personality

It's worth noting that buying a loved one a perfume that is a dark, strong, woody fragrance that'll be guaranteed to turn heads and get compliments (like Eilish No 2) when their personality is more reserved and gentle would be a huge error of judgement! Sorry if it sounds obvious, but we can be lead by our own likes and dislikes when it comes to choosing something as personal as a perfume.
However to make it the perfect gift, matching the fragrance to their personality is a huge sign of you respecting that person's individuality and personal tastes - which will earn you extra brownie points!

If you're looking for a fragrance gift for a loved one, why not check out our blog posts on the Top Spring Perfumes For Women / Top Spring Fragrances For Men / Unisex Spring Fragrances or browse our Featured Collection where we showcase the latest trending perfumes for women and fragrances for men.

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